Thursday, January 19, 2023
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Guest Coaches:
Marc Bhalla, LL.M. (DR), C.Med, C.Arb
with Colm Brannigan, LL.M. (ADR), C.Med, C.Arb, C.Med-Arb
In a session inspired by their new book ODR – Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. the first JADE session of 2023 will feature a brief opening talk about the current state of online dispute resolution followed by a mediation role play that focuses on some of the unique challenges that arise when mediation occurs online.
We will then spend more time than usual de-briefing with our guests, as they will lead an interactive discussion about the past, present and future of the integration of technology into dispute resolution. Collectively, we will identify opportunities that aspiring practitioners have in the field – tech-savvy, or otherwise.
A copy of Colm and Marc’s book will be raffled off during the event – you must be in attendance at the de-brief to qualify for the draw.
And the role play? Benny rents their basement to two tenants and is suing them for unpaid rent. The tenants claim Benny agreed not to charge rent in 2022; Benny denies this arrangement and has filed a claim for the full year’s rent, at $1500/month for a total of $18,000. Concerned that it will take another year before the matter is heard in Small Claims Court, Benny and the tenants have agreed to try a free community mediation program to see if the matter can be resolved.
Marc Bhalla, LL.M. (DR), C.Med, C.Arb.

A long-time JADE supporter, Marc Bhalla (he/him) [biracial] is pleased to continue his tradition of leading the first JADE session of the year!
Marc is a mediator, arbitrator, professor and writer based in Toronto, who works primarily online. He earned a Master of Laws in Dispute Resolution from Osgoode Hall Law School and the Chartered Mediator and Chartered Arbitrator designations of the ADR Institute of Canada.
Marc is faculty of Osgoode Hall Law School’s LL.M. in Dispute Resolution program, York University’s School of Continuing Studies and the Canadian Collaborative for Engagement & Conflict Management. He is also an Academic Partner of the Authentic Allyship Projects, where he supports reconciliation efforts as a non-Indigenous ally.
While a non-lawyer, Marc’s teachings have been accredited by law societies and bar associations across Canada. He has been widely published, ODR – Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. is his second book.
Marc is Ontario’s representative on the Board of Directors of the ADR Institute of Canada.
Marc Bhalla is a member of the Condominium Authority Tribunal and is presenting in his private capacity, focused on issues beyond the jurisdiction of the Tribunal. Marc does not speak on behalf of the Condominium Authority of Ontario or the Condominium Authority Tribunal. Any opinions that he expresses are his alone and not those of the Condominium Authority of Ontario or the Condominium Authority Tribunal. Marc is not able to speak about issues before the Condominium Authority Tribunal and will not be speaking about matters that could come before it.
Colm Brannigan, LL.M. (ADR), C.Med, C.Arb, C.Med-Arb

A graduate of the Faculty of Law at Queen’s University and Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, as well as the University of Toronto and McMaster University, Colm Brannigan is a mediator and arbitrator with an extensive online practice.
Colm a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and holds the designations of Chartered Mediator and Chartered Arbitrator through the ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC). He was the first person to receive the Chartered Med-Arb designation from ADRIC.
Colm is an acknowledged expert in the development and application of online dispute resolution (ODR) and med-arb processes. He has written extensively on ADR and ODR and has presented at many national and regional conferences across Canada. ODR – Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. is Colm’s first book.
Colm has been a sessional lecturer in ADR in the Faculty of Law, Queen’s University and at various colleges. He also provides training in Conflict Management and Mediation, Online Dispute Resolution and Med-Arb through the Canadian Collaborative for Engagement & Conflict Management.
Please visit https://www.shadowofthelaw.ca/publications/odrbook to learn more about Colm & Marc’s book… but don’t buy it yet as a special offer for JADE members is coming!