Video Recording of this JADE Session is available for viewing by Members
A session focused on “setting the table” at mediation

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Guest Coach: Marc Bhalla, LL.M. (DR), C.Med, C.Arb (he/him) [biracial]
As we set off on a new year of JADE events, we are going back to basics. Each JADE session in 2024 will focus on a specific part of the mediation process, where we can come together to share experiences and discuss best practices.
Our first JADE event of the year will take place the evening of Tuesday, January 30th and will focus on the mediator’s introduction.
Guest coach Marc Bhalla will offer a short talk and lead an interactive exercise designed to unpack, re-visit and delve into the aims and purpose of a mediator “setting the table”.
We will consider:
- For sustenance or flavour? The goals of a mediator’s introduction
- Where are we eating? How setting the table varies in-person and online
- Do you order the same thing every time? The introduction script and the need for improvisation
- There’s a fly in my soup! Common problems and how to address them
Marc has prepared a mediator introduction worksheet exclusive to JADE that will be shared and worked through collaboratively at the event. For experienced and aspiring mediators alike, this session offers a chance for a refresh through focused consideration and the camaraderie of your friends at JADE!
* While Marc Bhalla makes no claims of being a gourmet chef, he is embracing a cooking and dining theme for this session.
Marc Bhalla, LL.M. (DR), C.Med, C.Arb (he/him) [biracial]

Marc is thrilled to continue our tradition of having him join us to kick off a new year of JADE sessions!
A decorated mediator with decades of experience, Marc’s private practice is complemented with his service on both provincial and municipal administrative tribunals, and his academic pursuits.
Marc is faculty at Osgoode Hall Law School’s Master of Laws in Dispute Resolution program, at the York University School of Continuing Studies Certificate in Dispute Resolution program and at the Canadian Collaborative for Engagement & Conflict Management. He lectures at several law schools across the country (the law schools Marc refers to as “the good ones”). Marc has presented across the continent.
Marc holds the senior, Chartered Mediator (C.Med) designation of the ADR Institute of Canada and is a national leader in online dispute resolution. He has been mediating online since 2015. The focus of Marc’s participation at our January 2024 session is on “setting the table” at mediation, the initial stage of the mediation process.